The george washington university department of. News sr blogadvanced hockey stats on hockey reference. Glossary /a indicates that the statistic is adjusted. /G gw gamewinning goals l losses lg league. Nhl stats. Stats insights keeps you up to date on the and sports scores! Check out the sports insights stats has to offer here! Twitter; hockey night in canada. What is gw in hockey stats yahoo answers results. Gp= games played g= goals a= assists pts = points (1 point for a goal, 1 point for an assist) +/ = plus/minus pim = penalties in minutes ppg = powerplay goals shg = short handed goals gw = game winners gt = game tiers sog = shots on goal. Ice hockey statistics wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Nhl stats explained. Know your pim from your gt. An explanation of nhl stats & all hockey statistics. By jamie fitzpatrick. Nhl expert share gw gamewinning goals. Michigan high school boys ice hockey stats 20152016. Get the latest michigan high school boys ice hockey news, rankings, schedules, stats, scores, gw; anders staky okemos 9 derek hesse portage central 4 noah.

What does these hockey abbreviations mean in. Oct 27, 2008 what does these hockey abbreviations mean in fantasy hockey? Power play goals aren't calculated, at least in real stats. Penalty infraction minutes. 20152016 playoffs stats points washington capitals. Player stats game gw s s % 8 l alex the word mark and image of the stanley cup and nhl conference logos are registered trademarks of the national hockey. Sports stats, sports news and scores stats. 5 related questions. 20152016 regular season stats points new jersey. Gw s s % 21 r kyle full team stats. The word mark and image of the stanley cup and nhl conference logos are registered trademarks of the national hockey. Nhl stats explained how to read hockey stats. Nhl stats explained. Know your pim from your gt. An explanation of nhl stats & all hockey statistics. By jamie fitzpatrick. Gw gamewinning goals. 20152016 regular season stats points arizona coyotes. Stats player stats gw s s% 23 d oliver the word mark and image of the stanley cup and nhl conference logos are registered trademarks of the national. 20152016 regular season stats points ottawa senators. Stats player gw s s% 65 the word mark and image of the stanley cup and nhl conference logos are registered trademarks of the national hockey. What doesgtgwshashgppgppasog mean in hockey statistics?. G goals a assists p points(total of goals+assists) +/ plus minus(a player gets a + if he is on the ice when his team scores an even strength or shorthanded goal, and a if he is on the ice when his team gives up an even strength or.
Glossary hockeyreference. What does gt gw sha shg ppg ppa sog mean in hockey statistics? ⌂Home; mail.
Sports stats, sports news and scores stats. Stats insights keeps you up to date on the and sports scores! Check out the sports insights stats has to offer here! Twitter; hockey night in canada. 20152016 playoffs stats points new york rangers. Player stats team gw s s% 61 l rick the word mark and image of the stanley cup and nhl conference logos are registered trademarks of the national hockey. Take a look below and see all the stats we hockey. Player. Shshots, sh%shooting / scoring percentage, sogshots on goal, sog%shots on goal, gwgame. 20152016 regular season stats points montréal. Montréal canadiens statistics 20152016 stats 201516 stats l.P. Copyright © 19992016 montreal canadiens and the national hockey league. Sports abbreviations tomorrowspro. While not as numerous or complex as the statistics in baseball, hockey has its own set of commonly used arithmetic formulas that guide to hockey statistics. Glossary hockeyreference. What does gt gw sha shg ppg ppa sog mean in hockey statistics? ⌂Home; mail. Nhl stats explained how to read hockey stats. I agree, they're a much better indication of physical play, despite the imprecise nature of the stat. Some hits will be counted others not. There are enough of them that it balances out, not so with gwg. But to the guy who said that gwg. Nhl hockey players nhl. The latest stats, fantasy news, video and more of players in the national hockey league. Jagr has said he'd love to play hockey until he's 50,
T.J. Galiardi hockey statistics and profile at hockeydb. A hockey player from calgary, alta born apr 22 1988 who was active from 2005 to 2016. Embed t.J. Galiardi stats! View as text. Home advertise. 20152016 regular season stats points boston bruins. Gw s s% 37 c patrice full team stats. Bruins fan boston bruins and bostonbruins are trademarks of boston professional hockey. 20152016 regular season stats points buffalo sabres. Stats standings gw s s% 90 c ryan o'reilly 71 21 39 6016 8 8 1 2 157 the buffalo sabres and sabres are trademarks of the hockey western. Stats. Stats. Leaders players welcome to nhl, the official site of the national hockey league. FranÇais. Bienvenue à lnh , Hockeydb internet hockey database. The following are statistics commonly tracked in ice hockey.
20152016 regular season stats points ottawa senators. Stats player gw s s% 65 the word mark and image of the stanley cup and nhl conference logos are registered trademarks of the national hockey.
20152016 playoffs stats points minnesota wild. Stats stats standings gw s s% 29 r jason pominville "the state of hockey" and state of hockey flag image are trademarks of minnesota sports. 20152016 playoffs stats points florida panthers. Player stats gw s s% 18 r florida panthers and floridapanthers are trademarks of the florida panthers hockey. Guide to hockey statistics mile high hockey. Guide to hockey statistics all rights reserved sports data © stats 2016 all systems operational check out our status page for more details. Nhl hockey players nhl. The latest stats, fantasy news, video and more of players in the national hockey league. Jagr has said he'd love to play hockey until he's 50, Founded in 1935, gw's department of statistics was the first statistics department in a college of arts and sciences in the united states.